Micro Port Extrusion

Micro Port Extrusion (MPE) is an extruded rectangular thin wall tubing with multiple small inner channels. HE Tubing is capable to extrude (and calibrate) the following size range:

  • Profile width: up to 160mm
  • Height: approx. 10 mm
  • Wall thickness: >0,1 mm

Specific Aluminium alloys with less than 0,5 weight % alloying elements creates the possibility to extrude thin wall Aluminium Micro Port Extrusions for a wide variety of Heat Exchanger applications.
The outstanding brazing properties of these alloys combined with the excellent thermal properties of Aluminium in general make this the material of choice when it comes to cooling and heating.

Specific MPE alloys by HE Tubing

HE Tubing’s MPE’s in combination with specific alloys, where under several so called “Long Life Alloys”, have good to excellent resistance against corrosion.

Additional coatings

HE Tubing offers the possibility to increase the corrosion protection even more by using additional coatings, like an “arc sprayed” Zinc. The coverage can be inline applied during the extrusion process or with the use of (zinc enriched) braze coatings.

HE Tubing’s Multi Port Extrusions find their way in the following branches:
  • Highway/Off Highway mobility;
    Typical applications for the Automotive Industry are: Air Conditioning, Engine cooling, Oil coolers, Water Chillers and Battery cooling for Electrical Vehicles.
  • Stationary applications (Domestic and Industrial);
    Applications for the stationary industry (domestic and industrial) are: HVAC/R (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration) and Solar.

Aluminium extrusion is a hot working process used to transform an aluminium wrought alloy into objects with a definitive cross-sectional profile for a wide range of uses. A pre-heated billet will be pressed through a shaping mould creating an endless profile. At each position of the extruded profile the cross-section will have the exact same geometry.

Following profile sizes are capable within HE Tubing:

Profile width: up to 160mm
Height: approx. 10 mm
Wall thickness: >0,1 mm



All our MPE production is coiled “endless” immediate after extrusion. At HE Tubing, we do this level of winding process of the MPE’s with reel container systems. Our reel container systems are engineered for automatic and quick reel changes to optimize the production line productivity. Depending on your wishes and criteria, the MPE material is delivered directly on coils or it will get an additional sizing and cut to length treatment. In that case it is delivered in boxes of bundled MPE’s in cut to length condition.


Calibrating and cutting

To meet your customer specific requirements for the Micro Port Extrusions, an additional sizing and cut to length process is needed after extrusion. Through the years HE Tubing has invested strongly in the latest state-of-the-art Cut to Length equipment. HE Tubing is working with the latest available high speed cut-to-length machines, enabling us to produce at higher speeds, tighter tolerances with more power, shorter response times and greater flexibility in MPE design, maintaining highest quality.

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Willem Flier HE Tubing Marketing & Sales

Willem Flier
Sales and Marketing Manager